Saturday, 25 June 2016

Hand Wash Technique for Staff Nurses

Hand Wash Technique for Staff Nurses
Hand wash technique the infection can be spread to one person to another person through contaminated hands of Staff Nurses, Careful Hand wash Can Reduce infection from one person to person or object to Person Hand washing technique involves Chemical action and Mechanical action The running water and friction used in Hand Washing, The Soap or Detergent Medium will emulsify the fat and lower surface tension of water

Important Points Kept in During Hand Wash Technique

  1.  Cut Short Nails,
  •  Remove any type Jewellery

Purposes of Hand Wash Technique

  1. To cleanse the hands to minimise the cross infection to each patient self and in the environment.
  2. For aesthetic sense.
Requirements for Hand Wash Technique
  1. Soap in a dish
  2. Sink equipped with a tap
  3. Towel
  4. A nail brush, a hand brush
  5. A nail file
  6. A Container with disinfectant (5% dettol)
  7. Paper squares 
Hand Washing Steps and Technique Procedure
Hand Washing, Technique,Medical Hand Wash,Surgical Hand Wash,
  1. Stand well away from the sink. Turn the tap and adjust its flow.
  2. Wet hands, forearms and below thoroughly, holding them down ward under the tap to allow the water to run toward the finger tips.
  3. Apply enough soap on hands and forearms to make good lather.
  4. Rinse soap cake and replace to the soap dish.
  5. Scrub each hand with the other, creating friction by interlacing the fingers and moving the hand back and forth. Continue scrubbing for 15-20 seconds starting from the area around the finger nails and in between the fingers, the back of hands, the palms forearms and 2 inches above the elbow. Clean nails by working them against the palms or with a nail brush, or hand brush.
  6. Rinse hands thoroughly starting from finger tips proceed through fore arms and elbow by holding them under the running water with the hands fingers above than the elbow.
  7. Turn off the tap.
  8. Dry hands with towel starting from the palms, fingers, wrist, forearms and the elbow.
  1. Washing of the hands should be done for 2-3 minutes with a brush, if the hands are grossly contaminated wash the brush under running water, immerse in the disinfectant.
  2. A nail file is used to clean under the nails, if the nails are dirty.
  3. Use paper pieces if a sink is used with controlled tap to open or to close the tap, depending upon the area whether it is clean or contaminated.
  4. Scrubbing the hands with a brush is not recommended for medical asepsis, Because scrubbing may force some bacteria into the skin crevices while other are being brushed out.
  5. Always use running water as it removes the bacteria and dirt along with soap mechanically.
  6. If a tap is not available an assistant is needed to pour the water for hand washing.

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